Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Soul Mates: the friend kind...

What an awesome week! My best friend, Lauryn, came out to Huntington Beach, CA to visit me for a week. It was her first time out to the West Coast and her first time to come see me since the "big move". She arrived Tuesday the 28th and left yesterday, but between those two dates, we filled our time with both activities and quality time that left me completely fulfilled, yet still wanting more! It was a week full of beach time, relaxation, parties, boats, drinks, "Friends", cameras, cookie dough, "Grey's Anatomy", nachos, hair dye, Hollywood, and everything else a girl could ask for in finally getting to see her best friend! I wish I could put it all into words for you, but unfortunately words aren't always on my side, so there in lies my photography. I'll update you on our Halloween night in my next post, but for now, the pics I'm really excited to share are from the photo shoot I did of Lau on her last night in town: