Friday, October 10, 2008

Screwed over & boredom strikes...

So the expression should be, "...all dolled up, and no where to be", however, tonight mine would go a little something more like this: "...all dolled up with somewhere to be, but no one to take me". I hate not being able to be entirely self-sufficient sometimes. Okay, no...I hate it all of the time! Independence is something I would consider to be one of my key traits, yet it happens to become one of my biggest pet-peeves when there happens to be a lack of that capability.

So here's the scoop behind my ranting and raving:

My roommate was leaving this weekend to go visit her boyfriend out on the East coast. I was very excited, both for her and for myself. She hasn't seen him in like 7 or 8 months, and that's just hard, but also because I had asked if I could borrow her car while she was gone. Twice during those conversations she had commented back as, "Yeah...of course you can". So, here I am, getting all excited because I'll, at least for one weekend, have the power to go where I want, and when I want, at no one else' expense. I would get to visit my boyfriend on my discretion without feeling like a bother, and I would just get a little taste of 100% freedom. This morning rolls around, and as she's walking out the door to go to the airport, I bid her goodbye, tell her I hope she has lots of fun, and ask where she left her keys. Her response went a little something like this, "Umm...Chey...I don't really feel comfortable with you taking my car". And that was it. No seeing the boyfriend without feeling like a burden, no car. I would have to find a ride tonight to my friends' gig that they were playing. Shouldn't be a problem seeing as how I have two other roommates that would most certainly be going, right? WRONG! I get home from one's home, and 9 phone calls later, I still didn't (and don't) have a ride. Therefore, I got all dolled up and am currently sitting at home, alone, on a Friday night, while all (yes, ALL) of my friends are partying it up without me. And this is the result of my boredom:


Ashley D said...

I hate when that happens. It's so nice to be able to do what you want when you want to do it. Sorry things didn't work out with your roommate's car. That's so frustrating!

P.S. Thanks for the comment on my post. He's Just Not That Into You is a good book... they're also making a movie out of it and it looks hilarious! I can't wait to see it!

Ashley said...

hey thanks for checking out my blog! I love to meet new photographers! i'll be back for sure :)